PII Pipeline Solutions, a GE Oil & Gas and Al Shaheen joint venture, brings together a unique portfolio of advanced inspection technologies, integrity engineering expertise and software products, along with a wealth of field experience essential to deliver a confident, reliable assessment of the present and future condition of pipelines.
When it comes to complex challenges, in-line pipeline inspection is probably at the top of the list. Environmental and community safety and uninterrupted flow, plus meeting stringent regulatory requirements are of paramount importance. PII Pipeline Solutions provides a seamless package that cuts through the uncertainty
- from high precision tools to detect cracks, corrosion or damage, to innovative data analysis techniques that deliver accurate diagnostics and insightful pipeline integrity reports. We perform in-line inspections in every operating environment worldwide, underpinned by advanced data analysis
- a powerful combination that delivers exceptional results. Choose the right technology for every integrity challenge. Managing corrosion requires accurate defect detection, sizing, and classification. Properly characterized defect results then need to be assessed to determine actual growth rate. Our magnetic and ultrasonic ILI tools each offer unique advantages in detecting corrosion and the selection decision should be aligned with the operators particular mission and its underlying threat(s).
Managing the threat of injurious cracks requires detection of both critical and sub- critical crack-like features in the pipeline. In addition, it is extremely important that reliable location and sizing take place. For Identification and sizing of injurious cracks, our technologies can inspect older pipelines with propensity for weld-related cracks (seam, hooks). For accurate location and prioritization of cracks most likely to fail, our inspection capabilities can identify stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC), cracks of unknown gestation and failure state, for the prediction of rupture pressure when adjacent crack(s) interact, if extensive SCC crack fields are populated with both critical and subcritical cracks.
To maximize the value operators invest in their in line inspection programs, they should not fall back on overly conservative practices when deciding on their repair criteria. PII provides proven, industry accepted engineering practices aimed at reducing conservatism yet improving overall safety of your pipeline.